Monday, February 8, 2016

Tough times don't last; 5' uORFs do! -- Interview with Shelley Starck about Cell's Stress Response Mechanism

What do you do when you feel stressed and sick. Probably try to get some rest and sleep, eat healthier and maybe go to a doctor. Did you know that individual cells in our body also come under stress! And they respond as you and I do: they decrease energetically expensive protein synthesis (rest),  but increase production of things that help them fold proteins properly, like chaperones and heat shock proteins (develop healthier mileu), and try to contact neighboring cells and immune response (doctor) to tell about their condition. But how do they achieve all these amazing tasks???

Shelley Starck, a former post-doc with Nilabh Shastri, and currently a post-doc with Peter Walter at UCSF set out to answer this exact question. She developed a highly sensitive method of detecting proteins within the cell and used the assay to find those that increase during stress. What she found can be summarized by a quote from annonymous source: "Good things can come from unexpected places".

What are these good things and how do they arrive, listen in!!!

Please read the article for more information:
Translation from the 5′ untranslated region shapes the integrated stress response
S. R. Starck et al.,Science 351, aad3867 (2016). DOI: 10.1126/science.aad3867

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