The 'Journal Coverage' Project!
The project is a weekly podcast with interviews of authors who recently published an important scientific finding. The conversations put the finding and its impact in perspective for the general audience.The most important aspect of the project is that it provides a direct link between the creators of scientific knowledge and the people interested in gaining that knowledge.
The project provides my peers a chance to excitingly tell the world of their scientific glory. It highlights the success of people who must have failed multiple times and faced the harsh realities of experimental science. The project gives free access to the public to simple and clear explanation of a discovery. The conversations are jargon free, unlike review articles, and true to the work performed and its impact, unlike popular science feeds. They provide an overview of the field, helpful for curious minds. In addition, the scientists sometimes share their life experiences, and this provides inspiration for people wanting to take a step into the profession.
The scientists featured on the podcast are PhD or post-doctoral researchers. They have created knowledge with their own hands and minds and are in the best position to explain the advancement. These are passionate individuals who burn the midnight oil in the pursuit of advancement.These brave individuals daily make choices that shape the experiments whose results would push the boundary of human knowledge. The podcast aims to give them exposure using their own thoughts and words.
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